On Main Gallery is an artist-run organization dedicated to encouraging, producing and presenting contemporary visual and media art from emerging and established Canadian artists. Our programming is challenging, diverse and enlightening to local, national and international audiences. Our mission is to provide opportunities for emerging and established artists to create, present and disseminate new work.



The Prop House:
A Collection of One Million Objects

Celebrating Mount Pleasant Furniture (MPF), a prop house wonderland for film, television, stage and art communities. The collection has been accumulated by three generations of the Madsen family and has been used in set designs in the Vancouver film industry over the past 40 years.

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Occupying Chinatown 

Paul Wong’s Occupying Chinatown, is a beautifully detailed, limited edition hardcover book, fully bilingual in English and Simplified Chinese, focusing on several of Wong’s major artworks exploring Chinese-Canadian identity and his engagement with Vancouver’s Chinese communities. With full colour photos and documentation of Wong’s artwork as well as three original essays, Occupying Chinatown is an evocative exploration of language, amnesia, and cultural displacement, inspired by 900 letters sent to Suk-Fong Wong, Paul Wong’s mother, over the course of 65 years.


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